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Web Design and Development

Grayson Design offers a complete turnkey solution for your web design project. Whether you are just starting out and would like a small foothold on the Internet, whether you have an established website and are seeking a redesign or some back-end development or added features, or maybe you have an older established website and now wish to take advantage of the continuing growth and powers of Wordpress, you have found the right place. Grayson Design also provides website development services for other designers and illustrators. Our services include the following:

Concept and Management Planning
Graphic Design • Product Photography
Domain, Web Hosting Setup and Website Development
WordPress websites or blogs and Wordpress theme customization
HTML5/CSS • Javascript • Animations • Flash • Video Production and Editing • Audio Editing
Ecommerce • Online Secure Stores
Online Portfolios and Galleries, General Maintenance and more...

All work is priced by the hour at a very reasonable rate. Small business sites start from $500 and up plus ongoing maintenance if needed. Sites can include self editing features (CMS) if desired. Sites requiring database work, interactivity, scripting and/or animations cost more. We have listed some of our clients below with links to their web sites. Please explore and contact us for more information.

client portfolio
in alphabetical order:

Basic website for self storage company on South Whidbey Island providing online payment services. Grayson Design provided logo design, website design and photography. www.aok-storage.com

This site features photographic art and films by Penny Bauer. Grayson Design provides site design, maintenance and all digital services for Penny's art reproduction including scanning, digital imaging and fine art giclee prints, video production and video previews, Flash and more. www.bauerstudio.com www.thegiftsproject.com

       This site includes music, retail sales form, videos, picture zoom, and private emplyees area. www.braintrainers.net

Jewelry photography, identity and logo design, site design and maintenance. www.dianecalvertdesigns.com

touchdrawing Center for Touch Drawing
A graphic oriented site continuously evolving and growing with every event of this busy artist, Deborah Koff-Chapin. Custom Wordpress site design has multiple themes in one Wordpress install. Each section shares galleries. Also provided original artwork photography, packaging/graphic design for products, SoulCards and books. Maintain website with special features such as slide shows/ many galleries, custom ecards, SoulCad Readings and more. www.touchdrawing.com

Architectural site featuring stock plans and many community and residential projects. Redesigned and reorganized entire site. Added stock plan section and shopping cart functionality. www.rosschapin.com

Sales and marketing website for a new community on the Oregon Coast. Grayson Design provided logo, siteplan, floorplans preparation from project working drawings and complete website development. www.classicstreetcottages.com

This site for an established design-build company in Portland, OR features drop down menus, text scrollers and project galleries. www.craftsmandesign.com

A local well established family run nursery offering perennials, herbs and vines, shrubs and trees, one of a kind gifts and specializing in wedding flowers. www.cultusbaynursery.com

eCigs Ecommerce retail site for electronic cigarette superstores located around western Washington. Wordpress site with WooCommerce is setup to process payments through NMI payment processing service for high risk merchants.

Erica Rayner-Horn

This site was designed by Christopher Baldwin (christopherbaldwin.com). Grayson Design developed and maintains the site. It contains many special features produced by Grayson Design such as Flash intro, various other Flash elements, scrolling text boxes, background music and audio clips. www.espiritudelmar.com

Website developed for information and sales of new financial guide book by author Dr. Glenn H. Petry. Book layout and design by Grayson Design also. www.financejock.com

A contemporary gallery site featuring the work of stone sculptor Lloyd Whannell. His work includes stone vanity sinks, countertops, outdoor and figurative pieces. www.fineartbuilders.com

Online monthly journal source, site design and maintenance,
identity and logo design, banners and posters. www.thefestivalguild.com
Also home funeral service and end of life planning website for LucindaHerring.com, it is a customized Wordpress site.

Four Paws Only Pet Salon, Freeland, WA, coming soon. www.fourpawsonlypetsalon.com

Local hand and foot spa website. Grayson Design provided logo design and website design and development. Downloadable brochure also designed by Grayson Design.

Local woodworking company manufacturing custom cutting boards and game boards. Gallery website providing online sales with "build your own board" design/purchase. Masked out background of client photos. www.heritagecustomwoodworking.com

Local home nursing service company with employee download area. www.islandhomenursing.com

Alternative heating for tubs and other information about building and cleaning hot tubs. Product and equipment photography, illustrations, site design and maintenance. www.islandhottub.com

An island county community program to help fulfill the dreams of youth in-care.

Gallery website development featuring the glass art and commissions of
Richard La Londe and his workshops. www.richardlalonde.com

The Lorian Association
A large automated Wordpress magazine website and ecommerce bookstore. Features blogs, news stories and book sales from their inhouse publishing company.www.lorianassociation.com

A real estate marketing website including rollover maps and floorplans. This site is displayed for design purposes only and is not active. www.langleygardenbungalows.com

An eCommerce site featuring Sam's consulting services, his poetry book and CD, and his photographic gallery (Flash presentation). www.sammagill.com

A gallery website design featuring Flash headers and Flash navigation. www.mainlineproductions.com

A gallery website design in progress featuring stone carver and sculptor Alexandra Morosco. www.moroscofinearts.com

A website for a natural cigarette store. www.naturalsmokes.com

A website for a restuarant in Coupeville, Washington includes a CMS for self updating.

A website all about Pocket Neighborhoods by local architect Ross Chapin. Retail area provided for the sale of his new book. Site features video/audio presentation and slide shows. Site also features interactive pages with site maps and overlays for a learning experience.

A customized Wordpress website for a general contractor with galleries showcasing projects.

This site was designed by Christopher Baldwin (christopherbaldwin.com). Grayson Design provided all product photography and developed and maintains the site. Online store with full shopping cart functionality.

Six Bowls
An interactive Wordpress website with calendar bookings, blog, and other specialty Wordpress plugins used to manage this year long project. www.sixbowls.com

This site features the aerial and underwater photography of Veronica von Allwörden. Includes full service stock photography with image download and customer lightbox features. www.skyandseaphoto.com

This everchanging website showcases the happenings and schedules for the annual StoneFest celebrations and workshops . www.stonefest.org

Fine art prints and notecards featuring photos from around the world. Online store with full shopping cart functionality.

This website is a event donation manager celebrating Washington wineries, breweries and spirits and auctions relating to them. www.vinolution.org

A photographer's service site featuring the underwater photography of Robin Bush. Site will soon offer online purchasing. www.voicesoftheearth.com

An artist portfolio site featuring the art and sculpture of Carol Way. Grayson Design provided all original artwork reproduction, site design and maintenance. www.wayartstudio.com

An artist/illustrator portfolio site. Grayson Design provided original artwork photography and color match work, site development and maintenance. www.chriswitkowski.com

Woodrun Townhomes in Redmond, WA
A real estate marketing website including logo design, rollover maps and downloadable floorplans. www.woodruntownhomes.com

Website development:
Sites designed by others, built and maintained by Grayson Design:

Liberty Square Apartments, Renton, WA www.liveatlibertysquare.com

Normandy Place Townhomes, Normandy Park, Seattle, WA www.liveatnormandyplace.com

Sylvan Ridge Townhomes, Seattle, WA www.sylvan-ridge.com

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