Wild crafted Arnica Montana, organic St. Johns Wort and Calendula flowers infused in an ayurvedic and olive oil base with essentials of French Lavender, Tea Tree and Peppermint.

4 oz. Glass Bottle
Organic olive oil infused with wild crafted Arnica Montana, organic St. John's Wort and Calendula flowers in a blend of Ayurvedic oils (sesame and sunflower), with Peppermint, Tea Tree and French Lavender essential oils.
This product is perfect for use on bruises, sprains, carpal tunnel, and other forms of pain caused by inflammation and swelling.  Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties combine with regenerative, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties to create an oil that will nourish the skin as it penetrates beneath to reduce swelling and stimulate regeneration.  Perfect for sports injuries, aching joints, self massage in trouble spots, or have your massage therapist apply it as a healing aid.
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