Organic Comfrey root and Calendula flowers infused in an ayurvedic, olive oil and shea butter blend with essentials of Eucalyptus and Blue German Chamomile, vitamin e, grapefruit seed extract and local beeswax.
1.6 oz. Glass Jar
Organic olive oil infused with organic Comfrey root and Calendula flowers, in a blend of Ayurvedic oils (sesame, sunflower and mustard), shea butter, castor oil and local beeswax, with Nigella seed oil, Eucalyptus and Blue German Chamomile essential oils, vitamin e and grapefruit seed extract.
A soothing, healing salve for helping with multiple skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections in the nails and feet, hangnails, cuticles, backache and stubborn, cracked skin. A great companion to the Happy Feet Foot Scrub. Also good for use as a chest rub during illness, in self-massage, or as a sleep aid. Regenerative properties help make scars disappear. Contains anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.